Nalinam Multimedia
Watch vaanvil song for kidsThe following sound files will be incorporated into our multimedia software, which is still under development ! In the final version, the sound recording and the singers voice will be more profesional. If you want to contribute anything in any way, please do contact me
No | Download Songs ( AU Files ) | Download Lyrics |
1 | Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | Lyric |
2 | Baa Baa Black Sheep | Lyric |
3 | Rainbow - our own composition | Lyric |
4 | Itsy Bitsy Spider | Lyric |
5 | Old Mac Donald | Lyric |
6 | If You Happy and You Know It | Lyric |
7 | The More We Get Together | Lyric |
8 | I'm a Little Teapot | Lyric |
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